24-hour Blood pressure monitoring
What is a 24-hour Blood pressure monitoring?
In a 24-hour Blood pressure monitoring, blood pressure is measured regularly over a period of 24 hours to create a profile. During the examination, the patient should keep a record of what they are doing. In this way, the doctor can later link any changes in blood pressure to corresponding activities. The 24-hour Blood pressure monitoring is the best way to monitor ongoing blood pressure therapy and diagnose hypertension.
How is a 24-hour Blood pressure monitoring performed?
In general, the 24-hour Blood pressure monitoring is the same as a "normal" blood pressure measurement. The patient is given a cuff in the surgery, which is placed over the upper arm. The cuff usually inflates every 15 minutes to measure the current blood pressure. After 24 hours, the device is returned to the surgery and can then be analysed by the doctor.