Echocardiography (Ultrasound Investigation of the Heart)

When is an ultrasound investigation of the heart (echocardiography) performed
In conjunction with ergometry the ultrasound investigation of the heart is one of the most important investigations in cardiology. The cardiac ultrasound provides exact information about the strength of the heartbeat: narrowed or leaky heart valves can thus be identified. Fluid in the heart sac (pericardium) can be diagnosed with the aid of the cardiac ultrasound investigation.
Furthermore, echocardiography provides important information about the stabilization of blood pressure because it measures the thickness of the heart muscle.How is an ultrasound investigation of the heart performed?
The cardiac ultrasound investigation is performed with the patient lying down. The patient turns to his/her right side. Using a transducer moistened with ultrasound gel, the heart muscle and its valves can be evaluated without causing any pain .