Dr. Marcel Francesconi Deutsche Version English Version
MEDICAL OFFICE of Dr. Marcel Francesconi Deutsche Version English Version

Carotid duplex ultrasound

Carotid duplex ultrasoundHow is a carotid duplex investigation performed?

The ultrasound investigation of the arteries supplying the brain is performed with the patient in supine position. The investigation is entirely painless. The carotid arteries are easily accessed by the ultrasound wave and the investigation provides crucial information about the current state of the arteries. Smallest deposits of calcifications or plaques can be identified. Furthermore, the innermost vessel wall (so-called intima media thickness) can be measured. Importantly, it discloses whether one has a risk of developing coronary heart disease (calcification of the coronary vessels).
Stenoses (constrictions) or occlusions of the carotid arteries can be identified by the investigation.

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Medical Office of Dr. Marcel Francesconi
(Senior Consultant)
Boerhaavegasse 21
1030 Vienna

Consultation after prior appointment by phone
Private physician, private and KFA

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+ 43 676 54 66 941

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